Sunday, March 20

Writer's Block

Writer's Block

This should actually be posted under a different blog called Cat Tales or something similar, but regardless here's what I have to contribute today:
I was diligently working on a writing project but had reached a point where it was clear that staring at the screen was not going to produce anything fruitful. So I decided to take a quick little respite and break my physical and mental stagnation by running to the store around the corner to pick up the only item I really need before tomorrow - kitty litter. I had forgotten it when I was out running errands this morning. Shouldn't take but ten minutes. the store is only 1/4 mile away. Getting out and moving my body will help shake things loose and I'll be back at the computer fully functional and productive again in no time.

So I picked up the kitty litter and on the way home noticed that there was no line at the car wash. So I popped in to do the auto wash thingy that only takes 5 minutes. A long time was being spent on the front of the car when I finally realized I was stuck and the automated system was not advancing me.
Luckily the attendant noticed too, just in time to save me from getting out of the car amidst the full force of the jet sprays. He did something,  The system righted itself and on I went toward a shiny exterior. And a free vacuuming came with the car wash. So I meticulously vacuumed weeks of dirt, dust and debris from my interior. Happy Happy Joy Joy.

Left the car wash and turned the corner to head the quarter mile back home. Turning that corner upset the 40 pound box of kitty litter on the back seat. No problem except for the unseen hole in the box through which  poured at least 2 quarts of litter before I could pull over and stop the hemorrhaging filling all the crevices of my freshly vacuumed seats.

No problem, I'll just use my shop vac when I get home. Went into the garage to get said vac and noticed that the 5 gallon bottle I use to collect the drippings of my dehumidifier was full and just beginning to overflow. It's been a really wet few weeks around here. congratulating myself on great timing,  I picked up the bottle and dumped it on some plants and the rest just outside the garage door where it would find its way into the driveway drain designed  for just that purpose - to carry water away from the house.

Hmmm, the water is backing up into the garage. The drain is blocked with magnolia leaves. So I begin to clean it out. Needing more than just leaf removal,  I grab the hose. Spraying the hose into the blocked drain pipe  causes a magnificent back spray of mud and gook into my face and all over my freshly starched white shirt. No worries, I'll just ram that hose deep into the pipe and break up whatever is clogging it. Unsuccessful at reaching it, and on the verge of frustration over the unexpected events of my '10 minute break',  I decide to rent a pressure washer  and revisit this project next week. On to the car vacuum clean up...

As I was rewinding the garden hose, and putting it away, it got wound around the garbage can and turned it on its side where the contents spilled out. No problem, i told myself, determined not to ruin my good attitude on a lovely day; it'll just take a minute to pick it all up and retrash it. So I got that cleaned up and finally plugged in the shopvac. The cord was just a little too short to reach everywhere, but I finally got most of the litter sucked up and all my tools put away.

Now, well  over an hour later,  I am back at the computer  in a clean shirt hoping my own mental blockage has had enough movement and pressure to shake loose a flood of some masterfully creative writing!

All in a day's work?

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